Love God
'Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. '
Bible studies
Bible Studies lead by CU Church staff.
Wednesday at 12:00 p
51 E Main St,
Champaign, IL 61820
Wednesday at 7:00 a
107 S Webber St,
Urbana, IL 61802
Contact Matt Clark ( for details.
Thursdays 6:30 a
421 E. Main Street,
Mahomet, IL 61853
Contact Matt Clark ( for details.
Friday at 6:30a
420 W Marion St,
Monticello, IL 61856
Contact Tyler Stewart ( for details.
Fridays at 6:30 a
For location please
contact Daniel,
Contact Daniel ( for details.
Do you need help walking with Jesus? Are you wanting to talk to someone about how to love God? Would you like to talk to a pastor? You can email or the next time you are in church come to the Love God station.
"TACOS" Prayer
"TACOS" is a simple guided prayer method we use at CU Church.
Express gratitude for all the Lord has done for you, including answered prayers, wisdom, guidance, spiritual blessings, and physical provisions. Thank God for His deeds and blessings.
Acknowledge and repent of your sins, admitting them specifically, and ask God to search your heart and reveal any hidden sins. Confess to God what you have done.
Pray for the healing, salvation, and needs (both spiritual and physical) of others in your life who are hurting or in need. Lift up those who don't know Jesus and ask God to meet their needs.
Humbly bring your requests before God, seeking His guidance and wisdom for your decisions, and ask Him to meet your spiritual and physical needs. We pray to God for our own needs.
Prayer MeetingS
This is a time where we come together and pray. Some people are super comfortable praying with others and for some people it's a new and unfamiliar thing. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. If you are looking for others to pray with or you are trying to figure out what a prayer life looks like please join us in prayer.
Monday Morning
107 S Webber St,
Urbana, IL 61802
Tuesday Noon Prayer
107 S Webber St,
Urbana, IL 61802
Women's Ministry
Sisterhood meets throughout the year and is an opportunity for women to be encouraged. It's a community of women, we're on a mission to see a Value Revolution in our generation. We are jointly challenging the way we think about ourselves, the women in our life and the women around the world to bring VALUE and DIGNITY & HONOR to every single one of God's daughters. We Pray that YOU join us in the revolution.
Connect Groups
This fall CU Church will be doing a Women's Connect Group to help women in our church find community in bible studies.
Connect Groups
Connection groups are designed to help you connect with others, engage with God’s Word, and serve together. These groups will meet weekly for 8 weeks, starting September 16 and running through November 11, with a break during the week of October 14. Groups of 8-14 people will gather in the home of a host from their community. The host will facilitate a Bible study discussion based on the previous Sunday’s sermon, using a provided discussion guide. Each host will decide the specific day and time for their group meetings. There will not be children's programming or childcare for these groups.