What is ciy move?
Students who will be in incoming freshmen in high school through graduating seniors.
July 7-12, 2025
Wheaton, IL
Early Bird Rate - $440
January 5-13, 2024 - $50 (deposit)
March 1, 2025 - $390 final payment. If final payment is not made by March 1 the total cost increases to the normal rate.
Normal Rate - $490
May 19, 2025 - $490. After payment deadline spots may be dropped with no refund.

What are the sleeping arrangements?
Students will stay in the college dorms that are gender and often grade specific. An adult leader will be responsible for each room, but will not be staying in their rooms.
What kind of supervision will there be?
We take adult leaders, who are vetted and have completed a background check, and are responsible for no more than ten students.
How do you keep track of every student?
Adult leaders do room checks as well as checks when we travel to different locations on the campus during the day. Students are expected to be where the schedule indicates.
How do you travel to CIY Move?
We take buses with professional drivers.
When do students return from CIY Move?
We will drive back July 12 and arrive around 10:00a.
How do you pick rooming assignments?
We take roommate requests and do our best to get students in a room with which they are comfortable.
How will I receive information about CIY Move?
Once registered you will be added to an email list that will communicate all needed information to you. Please register with an email you check regularly.