A Special needs ministry at cu church
Do you have a loved one that could benefit from having additional love and support while they attend CU Church Kids and CU Church Kids Events between the ages of Nursery-Senior High School? We would love to match your family and loved one with a trained Faithful Friends volunteer that will attend church and church events. We are also looking for Faithful Friend volunteers who have a passion for serving families with loved ones that have special needs. If you have a loved one that could benefit from being paired with a Faithful Friend as a buddy for church events OR would like to serve as a Faithful Friend please contact faithfulfriends@cuchurch.com for additional information.
Do you have a loved one that could benefit from having additional love and support of a trained Faithful Friends volunteer while they attend CU Church Kids Programing?
We are also looking for volunteers with a passion for serving families with loved ones that have special needs.