Residency at CU Church
What is a residency program?
Why a residence at CU Church?
The mission of CU church is to love God and love people. Although imperfect, the leaders at CU believe that God is at work in and through CU. We invite people who want to participate in the work of loving God and loving people as a career to learn how it has happened here in Champaign-Urbana as preparation for how God will continue that work wherever he sends residency graduates.
The primary distinctive feature of the residency program at CU is that residents will learn to embody a theology of ministry. We are not attempting to train specialists for a specific model, role, or program. Although residents will learn to serve in specific ministry areas (e.g. serving children, students, liturgical planning) and skills (e.g. preaching/teaching, significant conversation), our goal is for residents to learn how to serve within their gifts where God places them. We want to form women and men who desire to prepare to live out a calling and a career in a variety of contexts.
Who should consider the residency program?
The primary goal of the residence is to prepare college graduates for vocational ministry. Those interested in applying include:
- Vocational Pastors: those who desire to prepare for vocational ministry.
- Bi-vocational Pastors/Leaders: those who want to learn how to serve the church in leadership alongside another career.
- Discerning Individuals: those who are seriously considering the possibility of vocational ministry or a bi-vocational career.
- The primary aim of the residency program is to prepare people for ministry. However, if someone is interested in a ministry vocation but unsure about what that means, we believe a year in the program can be a useful time of discernment and preparation for future bi-vocational ministry.
Details and commitment
When does the residency begin?
August 1, 2025
Time obligation
Housing and pay
We will work with residents to provide housing and pay. Details TBD.